Sonia Thompson is the Headteacher, at St Matthew's C.E. Primary School and the Director of St Matthew's EEF (Education Endowment Foundation) Research School, in Nechells Birmingham. St Matthew's is a Talk for Writing Training Centre and previously held DfE Teaching School status. Her school regularly hosts' visits, for leaders who want to see evidence-informed practice, across the curriculum. Prior to working at St Matthew's, Sonia was a Literacy Consultant for Birmingham City Sonia has written articles and chapters for educational publication is regularly asked to speak at events and conferences, such as ResearchEd, about curriculum, school culture and reading for progress and pleasure. She is a co-opted member of UKLA (United Kingdom Literacy Association) and judges for the UKLA Book Awards and EmpathyLab. Sonia sits on the C of E National Society Council and is a veracious reader of both educational books, children's books and the Bible.
How do you embed excellence into schools' everyday practices, not as an incidental or an accident, but as an actual ethic? Like the original book, this book is not a manual but what it offers is a thorough analysis of the Ethic of Excellence toolkit strategies, which can be applied across all ages and phases. The examination is placed within a framework of relevant research and is aimed at corroborating Berger's strategies and ethics, as they apply to classroom practice. The book is written with the full support, and the ethical guidance of the author of 'An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students', Ron Berger. Each chapter exemplifies the active ingredients for each of the key principles and underpins them with evidence-informed practice and practical examples, from across the curriculum. The book offers case studies and insights from senior leaders and teachers on what excellence looks like, within their contexts. Whilst school improvement is never finished, the book offers a manual for identifying Berger's principles of excellence. Through focused and evidence-informed offering, it considers how to make excellence as an ethic permanent across any school and any curriculum.