Games Children Play II

Games to develop social skills, teamwork, balance and coordination237 Fun Games for Groups and Families


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By Kim John Payne, Cory Waletzko
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This is a collection of 232 tried and tested games to play with children and groups of all ages. This is a companion to the Waldorf Games Handbook for the Early Years (2020). It is a thoroughly updated second edition of the classic, Games Children Play (1996) with new games added, by popular demand.

Kim John Payne and Cory Waletzko’s Waldorf Steiner and Spatial Dynamics approach is uniquely focused on how games develop children’s spatial awareness, social skills, confidence and movement in age-appropriate ways. Each game is clearly and simply described, with diagrams and drawings for how to play. There are games for helping graceful movement, co-operation, fairness and equality for the 7-10’s. Games for courage, accuracy, teamwork and gentle preparation for sports for 11- to 12-year-olds, along with games for renewing playground culture and holding a DIY Olympic Games. How to develop spatial awareness is described through sport, gymnastics and outdoor games. There are sections on child development, introducing games sessions, children’s temperaments, the senses, tackling children’s problems with play or sport, how to introduce games sessions, teaching movement to children, and cultivating the lost art of real-life play with children challenged by the digital age.

Games include variations depending on the age and number of players. There are tips for the games leaders on meeting the varying social and emotional needs of the players within a group. A section sets the context for the ever-increasing need for ‘IRL Games’ for children growing up in a digital age. Some new games have an embedded subheading, ‘For children who may struggle to play this game,’ as well as practical/do-able tips on how we can engage this new generation of children.

Kim John Payne M. ED is a leading Steiner Waldorf and parent educator. He has served as the founding director of The Collaborative Counselling program at Antioch University.  He served as the Co-Director of the Michael School of Bothmer Gymnastics/Spatial Dynamics, and has taught movement, games, sports and circus skills for over 20 years. His social inclusion approach for breaking down the patterns of bullying has been implemented in hundreds of schools.  He consults with schools, runs training programmes around the world, appears on TV and in print, and is Co-Founder of Whole Child Sports. His books, Games Children Play, Waldorf Games Handbook for the Early Years, Simplicity Parenting, Soul of Discipline and Beyond Winning are bestsellers.  A father of two, he lives with his family in Massachusetts.

Cory Waletzko teaches movement and games at the Upper Valley Waldorf School in Quechee, Vermont, where she teaches grades 1-8. She is a Bothmer Gymnastics instructor and a Spatial Dynamics® Institute graduate. She has worked for Kim John Paynes Centre for Social Sustainability, bringing the work of Social Inclusion to middle and high school students in both public and private schools. She mentors and collaborates with movement educators at multiple schools around the country. Before becoming a teacher, Cory was a professional dancer, actor, and musician in New York City. She is particularly interested in how rhythm, dance, and games can be used to bridge social and cultural divides, promoting individual expression, interpersonal communication and spiritual connection.

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