Chapter 1: Tools of the trade; Chapter 2: Finding students; Chapter 3: Building a blog; Chapter 4: Promoting a blog; Chapter 5: Workflows; Chapter 6: Getting paid; Chapter 7: Ideas and resources; Appendix.
Become an Online English Teacher offers new and experienced online teachers a fantastic range of practical information including: essential online tools and applications; effective tactics for finding students online; actionable steps on how to set up a blog for your service; best practices for promoting your blog; recommended procedures for enrolling new students; efficient methods for processing online payments; practical lesson ideas and resources. This is a one-stop guide to setting up, promoting and delivering a successful online tutoring service which provides even the most experienced teachers with valuable marketing information to help increase their revenue.
Nestor Kiourtzidis graduated from University College London with a Bachelor degree in Italian and Business Studies. He is the co-founder of the popular EFL/ESL website and is involved in creating lesson resources, designing the website's blended learning system as well as developing the company's marketing and business strategies. He is also a self-taught web enthusiast with over five years' experience as a freelance online EFL teacher. During this time, he built and promoted a WordPress blog for his tuition service and developed his own online teaching aids. He has a passion for innovation in language learning and in particular enhancing traditional face-to-face learning with modern internet technology.