ContentsIntroduction10 reasons for using this book10 ways to use this book10 facts about the author 1,000 ideas for English language teachersPreparation and planning 10 questions to ask about a new class 10 parts of a learner's profile10 questions for a needs analysis10 descriptions of language level 10 points to consider in your lesson planning10 classroom layouts10 considerations when planning boardwork 10 tips for the rest of your course 10 activities for your first lesson 10 ways to build rapport 10 instructions to teach a new class 10 classroom rules10 ways to start a lesson10 ways to end a lesson 10 roles that teachers have in the classroom 10 tips on homework10 ways to motivate10 questions to ask your students after a few weeks 10 activities for the topics of PEOPLE and HOMES 10 activities for the topic of FOOD 10 activities for the topics of TRANSPORT and TRAVEL10 activities for the topics of FREE TIME and SPORT 10 activities for the topic of CULTURE 10 activities for topic of SCHOOL and EDUCATION 10 activities for the topic of WORK and BUSINESS 10 activities for the topics of NEWS, MEDIA and FILM10 ways to drill new language10 sets of useful phrases 10 types of exercise for functional expressions10 free practice speaking activities with functions 10 ways to generate discussion10 steps to classroom presentations 10 sets of expressions for giving classroom presentations 10 presentation topics for students 10 ways to correct a spoken mistake10 more opportunities for speaking practice during a lesson10 sources of listening material in the classroom 10 activities to develop listening skills 10 ideas for developing note-taking skills while listening 10 types of dictation 10 points to consider about reading 10 ideas to add variety to a reading lesson10 types of written text types 10 writing techniques to develop in class10 subskills for teaching writing10 symbols to use for correcting writing 10 classroom aids10 activities using the objects around you10 ways to use Cuisenaire rods10 ways to use a board game10 sets of questions to ask about an image10 ways to use video in the classroom 10 ways to use online games10 questions to ask yourself before you use technology in the classroom 10 popular websites for English language teachers 10 timelines for presenting tenses10 ways to vary a grammar gapfill exercise10 activities for practising question forms 10 sentences for a grammar auction10 ways to present a new word 10 aspects to knowing a new word 10 activities for practising vocabulary 10 sets of vocabulary dominoes10 quick types of vocabulary test 10 ways to develop awareness of phonemes 10 activities for contrasting phonemes 10 awareness-raising activities with intonation 10 tips on teaching connected speech 10 tips and activity types for teaching young learners 10 issues and strategies for teaching teenagers10 strategies for teaching exam classes10 things that make teaching business English different10 ideas for teaching one-to-one classes10 tips for teaching beginners 10 strategies for teaching mixed-ability or multi-level classes 10 tips on teaching monolingual classes 10 ideas for your professional development10 tips on developing a PLN10 key acronyms with the word English 10 training courses and qualifications you could take next 10 future career paths in ELT Appendix
ETpedia is an essential resource for those who teach English as a second or foreign language. It provides new or experienced teachers with 1,000 creative tips, techniques, questions, thoughts and ideas on common teaching and classroom issues. Each section covers a different aspect of teaching and offers a selection of 10 tips or pointers to aid and inspire practice. The content includes teaching language points, planning and preparing lessons, writing materials, supporting colleagues, tackling teacher's block and developing personal practice. A flexible and adaptable resource, it can be dipped into or read cover to cover as preparation for a first teaching job. The layout and wide margins allow space for writing notes about how the materials were used or adapted and supplementary PDFs and video are accessible online to support the use of the resource in practice. ETpedia can be used with all levels and ages and for one-to-one or classroom teaching.
John Hughes - has worked in English language teaching since 1992 as a teacher, teacher trainer, manager and author. is a well-known presenter at international teachers' conferences and associations. runs workshops and delivers teacher training on behalf of schools, universities and publishers. has managed ELT departments in Poland, Italy and the UK. has authored and co-authored coursebooks for teenagers, adults, business people and university students. is a part-time teacher trainer on courses at Oxford University. also delivers training online via webinars and in virtual learning environments. has written features and articles for many journals and magazines, including English Teaching Professional and Modern English Teacher. still teaches overseas students in Oxford. is a regular ELT blogger with posts on many blogs including his own at