Robert Peal is a teacher at the West London Free School and author of Progressively Worse: The Burden of Bad Ideas in British Schools. He has written on education for Standpoint magazine, Demos Quarterly, the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, and has spoken at the Battle of Ideas and the Sunday Times Festival of Education.
Changing Schools is a collection of essays by teachers, researchers and administrators who have been on the front line of the revolutionary changes taking place in state education over the last five years. Their chapters cover topics such as assessment, academy chains, use of educational research, free schools and social media, and will be required reading for anyone wanting to understand England's rapidly changing educational landscape.Contributors include: Andrew Old, prominent teacher blogger; Tom Bennett, founder of ResearchEd; Jonathan Simons, head of education at the think tank Policy Exchange; Katherine Birbalsingh, Head of Michaela Community School; James O'Shaughnessy, Managing Director of Floreat Education and former Policy Director for David Cameron; Daisy Cristodoulou, head of research at ARK Schools; Doug Lemov, Managing Director of Uncommon Schools and author of Teach Like a Champion.