Jill Hadfield has worked as a teacher and teacher trainer in Britain, France, China, Tibet, Madagascar and New Zealand, run short courses and seminars for teachers in many other parts of the world and worked as a consultant for the UKs British Council and Department of International Development, writing materials for and reviewing aid projects in Africa. She was until recently Associate Professor in Language Teacher Education at Unitec, New Zealand and has now returned to working freelance. She has written over thirty books, translated into a total of 17 languages. These include the bestselling Communication Games series, five books in the Oxford Basics series, Classroom Dynamics, a course for primary children: Excellent! published by Longman, which was shortlisted for the Duke of Edinburgh Award, two Teacher Education books: Top Tools for Language Teachers (Pearson) and An Introduction to Teaching English (OUP). Motivating Learning, co-authored with Zoltan Dornyei, was published in 2013 by Routledge in the Research and Resources in Language Teaching series of which she is series editor. Her recent book, co-authored with Lindsay Clandfield, Interaction Online was a finalist in the Ben Warren and the ELTons awards for Innovation in Teacher Resources, and the most recently published title, Live Online Teaching (Pavilion Publishing, 2021), also co-authored by Lindsay Clandfield, was shortlisted for the ELTon award for Innovation in Teacher Resources.