Dr Felicity O'Dell has extensive experience in English language teaching, teacher training and assessment. Working on a freelance basis, she now consults for exam boards and publishers and writes for the exam boards, including Cambridge Assessment, Pearson and Oxford University Press. She also regularly presents at UK and international conferences. Felicity is the author/co-author of over 40 EFL course books and teacher resource books, including In Other Words (Pavilion Publishing, 2022) and several titles in the Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use series (with Michael McCarthy). Mary Spratt taught EFL in Cyprus, Algeria, Italy, Portugal, Belgium and Hong Kong and has extensive experience in teacher training, teacher development and assessment. She worked at the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate for five years on the production of exams, including IELTS and the revision of FCE. Mary now works as a freelance ELT writer and consultant, publishing several research papers. She has also written many EFL course books and supplementary materials, including co-authoring In Other Words.
In Other Words: Comprehensive grammar practice for B2-C1 English language learners is an easy to use communicative grammar practice book. Together with accompanying online listening materials, the book can be used both for self-study and as supplementary material for the classroom (whether face-to-face or online). It puts grammar in familiar contexts, provides guidance on its use, and then gives multiple opportunities for free and communicative use, mainly through speaking. The book targets grammar known to be problematic at B2 and C1 level. It ranges from working on standard essential grammar such as tenses or modals to areas such as register, the features of spoken language and academic writing. The book aims to make working on grammar an enjoyable learning experience. It also aims to help learners to convert knowledge of grammar into use and the development of flexibility of expression. Divided into 70 double-page spread lessons, each with a single grammar focus, In Other Words allows both the teacher and the learner to take a dip in approach. This allows all users to orient themselves quickly in the materials. The short but effective format of each lesson means they can fit in well within the time constraints of lessons, and work alongside any learners' course of study. It provides communicative and exam practice in key areas of grammar if needed, whilst also providing both the teacher and the learner with ample opportunity to tailor their grammatical focus according to their needs.
Introduction Self-study guide and teacher's notes B2 lessons: Patterns with nouns and pronouns Verb forms Patterns with verbs Sentence structures Modals Patterns with adjectives and adverbs Revision C1 lessons: Verb forms Sentence structure Spoken English Formal writing On our own (miscellaneous) Revision Answer keys