Explicit Instruction

Effective and Efficient Teaching


Title: Explicit Instruction
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Anita L. Archer,Charles A. Hughes
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1. Exploring the Foundations of Explicit Instruction 

2. Designing Lessons: Skills and Strategies

3. Designing Lessons: Vocabulary and Concepts

4. Designing Lessons: Rules

5. Organizing for Instruction

6. Delivering Instruction: Eliciting Responses

7. Delivering Instruction: Other Critical Delivery Skills

8. Providing Appropriate Independent Practice


*Reproducible Materials

*Feedback on Application Exercises

Anita L. Archer, PhD, is an educational consultant to school districts on explicit instruction, the design and delivery of instruction, behavior management, and literacy instruction. She has taught elementary and middle school students and is the recipient of 10 awards honoring her excellence in teaching and contributions to the field of education. Dr. Archer has served on the faculties of San Diego State University, the University of Washington in Seattle, and the University of Oregon in Eugene. She is nationally known for her professional development activities, having presented in every state over the course of her 40-year career. Dr. Archer is coauthor of numerous curriculum materials addressing reading, writing, and study skills (with Mary Gleason), and of the book Explicit Instruction (with Charles A. Hughes). She is also author of the professional development DVDs Golden Principles of Explicit InstructionActive Participation: Getting Them All Engaged, Elementary Level, and Active Participation: Getting Them All Engaged, Secondary Level.

Charles A. Hughes, PhD, is Professor of Special Education in the Department of Educational and School Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University and Adjunct Senior Scientist at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning in Lawrence. Prior to joining the Penn State faculty in 1985, Dr. Hughes worked in schools for 14 years as a general and special education teacher, a state-level consultant, and an educational diagnostician. His research interests focus on the development and validation of self-instructional strategies to help students with learning and behavior problems manage their academic and classroom behaviors. He has published over 100 articles, books, book chapters, and curriculum materials and has served as President and Executive Director of the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division for Learning Disabilities and editor of the Council’s journal Learning Disabilities Research and Practice.

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