Joseph A. Dimino, Ph.D., has had experience as a general education teacher, special education teacher, administrator, behavior consultant, and researcher. He has extensive experience working with teachers, parents, administrators, and instructional assistants in the areas of early literacy, reading comprehension and vocabulary instruction, and effective instructional techniques for English language learners. As a senior research associate, Dr. Dimino has been a part of several regional and national research teams investigating topics such as foundational reading skills and vocabulary, reading comprehension, and mathematics instruction. He is a coauthor of books addressing reading comprehension and vocabulary instruction and has published in several peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Dimino has delivered papers at numerous state, national, and international conferences. He consults nationally in the areas of early literacy, reading comprehension, and vocabulary instruction. Mary Jo Taylor is a Senior Reseach Associate with the Instructional Group in Los Alamitos, California.