Introduction The Dictionary The BodyArm and Hand EarEye FaceHead Heart and LungLeg and foot Liver and Kidney Miscellaneous Mouth NeckNose TorsoClothingColorBlack Blue Brown GrayMulticolorRed WhiteYellow Food Humans and Their Kin Life and Death Livestock with Beasts and Birds Beasts and Birds CamelCowDogHorseSheep and Goat Mind and the IntellectMiscellaneous NatureFireMountains and RocksThe EarthThe Sky and the StarsThe Sun and the MoonWater NumbersOne TwoThree and FourFiveSixSeven Eight and NineTen and TwelveThirtyFortyFifty and SixtyNinety, Hundred, and a Thousand The Power of the WordSoul and Spirit SoulSpiritYurt References and Further Reading IndexesKazakh IdiomsEnglish Idioms Kazakh Key Words English Key WordsKazakh Expressions
Kazakh, a Turkic language that uses Cyrillic script, is the official state language of Kazakhstan and is also spoken by people in parts of China, Russia, and neighboring Central Asian countries. This unique learner's dictionary features simple definitions, literal translations, English equivalents, full example sentences, and grammar and usage for over 2,000 Kazakh idioms. As students progress to the upper-intermediate and advanced levels of language learning, they come in contact with cultural concepts embedded in simple words that they have learned as part of everyday vocabulary. Thus, they expand their vocabulary into idiomatic expressions. Upper-intermediate and advanced learners of Kazakh will find this extensive reference work useful to understand those culturally bound idioms. Idioms in this reference volume are organized into categories - the human body, food, clothing, color, number, animals, and nature - that best represent the topics on which language learners focus at the beginning and intermediate levels of language study. Five indexes make finding the idiom you want - by idiom, keyword, or expression in both Kazakh and English - easier.