Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 1, Adapted


Title: Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 1
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Edited by David K. Dickinson, Susan B. Neuman
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The field of early literacy has seen significant advances in theory, research and practice. This volume brings together leading authorities to report on current findings, integrate insights from different disciplinary perspectives and explore ways to provide children with the strongest possible literacy foundations in the first six years of life. The book addresses broad questions about the nature of emergent literacy, summarizing current knowledge on cognitive pathways, biological underpinnings and the importance of cultural contexts. It also examines various strands of knowledge and skills that emerge as children become literate, as well as the role played by experiences with peers and families. Particular attention is devoted to the challenges involved in making schools work for all children, including members of linguistic and ethnic minority groups and children living in poverty. Finally, approaches to instruction, assessment and early intervention are described, and up-to-date research on their effectiveness is presented.

Part I: Ways of Conceptualizing Early Literacy Development. Neuman, Dickinson, Introduction. Whitehurst, Lonigan, Emergent Literacy: Development from Prereaders to Readers. Gee, A Sociocultural Perspective on Early Literacy Development. Watson, Literacy and Oral Language: Implications for Early Literacy Acquisition. Pellegrini, Some Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Studying Literacy in Social Context. Adams, Alphabetic Anxiety and Explicit, Systematic Phonics Instruction: A Cognitive Science Perspective. Olson, Gayan, Brains, Genes, and Environment in Reading Development. Part II: Strands of Early Literacy Development. Scarborough, Connecting Early Language and Literacy to Later Reading (Dis)abilities: Evidence, Theory, and Practice. Goswami, Early Phonological Development and the Acquisition of Literacy. Dyson, Writing and Children's Symbolic Repertoires: Development Unhinged. Richgels, Invented Spelling, Phonemic Awareness, and Reading and Writing Instruction. Part III: Home and Community Influences. Tabors, Snow, Young Bilingual Children and Early Literacy Development. Bus, Joint Caregiver Child Storybook Reading: A Route to Literacy Development. Vernon-Feagans, Hammer, Miccio, Manlove, Early Language and Literacy Skills in Low-Income African American and Hispanic Children. Goldenburg, Making Schools Work for Low-Income Families in the 21st Century. Roberts, Burchinal, The Complex Interplay between Biology and Environment: Otitis Media and Mediating Effects on Early Literacy Development. Part IV: Schooling Influences: The Preschool Years. New, Early Literacy and Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Rethinking the Paradigm. Dickinson, Sprague, The Nature and Impact of Early Childhood Care Enviroments on the Language and Early Literacy Development of Children from Low-Income Families. Roskos, Neuman, Environment and Its Influences for Early Literacy Teaching and Learning. Part V: Instructional Materials and Classroom Practices. Vellutino, Scanlon, Emergent Literacy Skills, Early Instruction, and Individual Differences as Determinants of Difficulties in Learning to Read: The Case for Early Intervention. Strickland, Early Intervention for African American Children Considered to Be at Risk. Stahl, Teaching Phoncis and Phonological Awareness. Morrow, Gambrell, Literature-Based Instruction in the Early Years. Hiebert, Martin, The Texts of Beginning Reading Instruction. Johnston, Rogers, Early Literacy Development: The Case for "Informed Assessment". Salinger, Assessing the Literacy of Young Children: A Case for Multiple Forms of Evidence. Part VI: Special Intervention Efforts. Barnett, Preschool Education for Economically Disadvantaged Children: Effects on Reading Achievement and Rela

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