Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction Exploring the Core When Everything Was Perfect Perfect Circles Have No Beginning PART 1: PRIMARY CONCEPTS Chapter 1: Standards-Based Grading Teacher Mastery of Standards Standards and Grading Defining Proficiency Adapting Assessments Reporting Proficiency Curricula and Resources Chapter 2: Social-Emotional Learning Self-Awareness and Management Social-Awareness and Relationships Societal Responsibility Chapter 3: Cognitive and Psychosocial Human Development Cognitive Human Development Psychosocial Human Development Developmental Mindset Special Education PART 2: SECONDARY CONCEPTS Chapter 4: Self-Directed Learning Identifying Growth Versus Proficiency Make a Plan (SMART Goals) Resources Strategies Product Chapter 5 (Part 1): Behavioral Coaching Changing Role of the Classroom Teacher General Behavior Expectations Behavioral Coaching [In-Class Approach] Chapter 5 (Part 2): Behavioral Inclusion and Intervention Behavioral Inclusion Behavioral Intervention [School-Wide Approach] Chapter 6: Academic Inclusion and Intervention Academic Inclusion Differentiation for an Inclusive Model Standards-Based Differentiation Tiers of Academic Inclusion Tiers of Developmental Inclusion Academic Intervention Conclusion Adopt and Adapt Quotes to Consider Sources of Motivation (Resources and Citations) Index
This flexible framework, grounded in research, helps schools build on the strengths of existing programs to successfully implement standards-based learning, social-emotional learning, and cognitive development.
Greg Mullen is a credentialed educator that has spent the past few years developing an approach toward standards-based education through a lens of social-emotional learning. Inspired by his years as a classroom teacher in California public, private, and charter schools, his focus now is helping schools, teachers, and families troubleshoot obstacles in personalizing education. He enjoys spending his spare time researching across academic disciplines and occasionally performing as a rock musician. Having released his first book, Creating a Self Directed Learning Environment, he continues to write and speak on topics of personalizing education across the country. Learn more about his work at