What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning


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Edited by Wendy Murawski, Kathy Lynn Scott
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Written for both general and special educators from grades Pre-K through 12, this is the how-to guide for implementing aspects of Universal Design Learning (UDL) to help every student be successful.

Preface About the Editors About the Contributors UDL: An Introduction From Pizza Parlor to the World - Katie Novak SECTION I. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH CONTENT AREAS Chapter 1: UDL and Literacy: Providing Options for Language Success - Ruby L. Owiny, Anne Brawand, Janet Josephson Chapter 2: UDL and Mathematics: Making Algebra Accessible - Sarah A. Nagro, Jaime True Daley, Cathy R. Gaspard Chapter 3: UDL and Social Studies: Applying Project-Based Learning - Philip E. Bernhardt Chapter 4: UDL and Science: Integrating STEM - Barbara Serianni, Carolyn Rethwisch Chapter 5: UDL and the Performing Arts: Inspiring Creativity - Rebecca M. Ashton, Tamarah M. Ashton SECTION II. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH BEHAVIOR Chapter 6: UDL and Executive Functioning: Unlocking the Capacity for Learning - Jennifer D. Walker, Victoria Russell Chapter 7: UDL and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Making Classroom Management Positive - Brittany L. Hott, Kathleen M. Randolph, Amelia Martin Chapter 8: UDL and Adaptive Behavior: Addressing Conceptual, Social, and Practical Skills - Caitlyn A. Bukaty, Lauren A. Delisio SECTION III. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH INSTRUCTION Chapter 9: UDL and Co-Teaching: Establishing the Perfect Union - Wendy W. Murawski, Leila Ansari Ricci Chapter 10: UDL and Assistive Technology: Utilizing Technology Beyond Mere Accessibility - Lauren A. Delisio, Caitlyn A. Bukaty Chapter 11: UDL and Implementation Fidelity: Providing Consistency Within Flexibility - Kimberly M. Johnson, Kyena E. Cornelius SECTION IV. WHAT REALLY WORKS WITH SPECIAL POPULATIONS Chapter 12: UDL for Advancement: Unblocking the Traffic Jam - Claire E. Hughes Chapter 13: UDL and Early Childhood: Giving Young Children Choices Too - Zhen Chai, Ching-I Chen Chapter 14: UDL and Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: Promoting Self-Managers - Kimberly M. Johnson, Kyena E. Cornelius SECTION V. WHAT REALLY WORKS BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Chapter 15: UDL and Administrators: Leading the Charge - Amy Kramer Chapter 16. UDL and Home School Collaboration: Partnering for Empowerment - Tesha Fritzgerald Chapter 17: UDL and Policy: Considering Legal Implications - Jacqueline Rodriguez Chapter 18: UDL and Change: Taking Baby Steps to Success - Wendy W. Murawski, Katie Novak Index

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