Chapter 1: What is neurodiversity? Chapter 2: Framing neurodiversity - past and present Chapter 3: The 3Ms - Missed, Misdiagnosed and Misunderstood Chapter 4: Mental health and wellbeing Chapter 5: Reframing Chapter 6: Universal Design Chapter 7: The Inclusive Classroom Chapter 8: Teaching and Learning Chapter 9: Assessing neurodiverse learners Chapter 10: Neurodiversity in the Education Workplace
Human brains are diverse: each one of us has a unique set of connections between billions of nerve cells. Neurodiversity is about us all. It is not an exclusive club or one condition, difficulty, difference, or disorder. Understanding more about the concept of neurodiversity helps us consider, respect and appreciate these differences. It helps us see potential rather than deficit. This clear and practical book, which is useful for all apsects of learning and education discusses how an emphasis on neurodiverse 'ability' can cultivate a better world.