Preface Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction 1. Physical Arrangement of the Classroom Rationale Benefits of a Well-Designed Classroom Well-Defined Areas Clarify Student Expectations The 10-Minute Rule Arranging Your Classroom Required Areas Home Base Group Instruction Area Teacher Work Area Transition Area Student Schedule Area Work Station Technology Area Additional Areas Arts and Crafts, Eating, and Cooking Areas Personal Hygiene Sensory Area Recreation and Leisure Activity Area Getting Started Summary Real-Life Applications 2. Organization of Materials Rationale Organizing Classroom Materials What supplies will you need? What stays and what goes? Where will materials be located? Group by academic subject Group by frequency of use Safety considerations Organizing Student's Materials Summary Real Life Applications 3. Schedules Rationale The Three Types of Schedules Building a Foundation for Your Schedules Daily Classroom Schedule Creating Your Classroom Schedule Posting the Classroom Schedule Using the Daily Classroom Schedule Staff Assignment Schedule Individual Student Schedules The Importance of Symbolic Communication Forms Creating Student Schedules Student Schedule Formats and Locations Teaching Students to Use Schedules Summary Real-Life Applications 4. Visual Strategies Rationale What Are Visual Strategies? The Importance and Benefits of Visual Strategies Creating Visual Strategies Consider the Student's Communication Level Using Visual Strategies As Reminders Schedules Calendars Behavioral Cues Communication Supports Summary Real-Life Expectations 5. Behavioral Strategies Rationale Determing the Need for Behavioral Inteventions Conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment Define the Behavior Gather Information About the Behavior Review Records Conduct Interviews Collect Baseline Data Look for Patterns of Behavior Make a Hypothesis about the Function of the Behavior Identifying Behavioral Goals and Objectives Developing a Behavioral Intevention Plan Defining Consequences Meaningful Reinforcers Edibles as Reinforcers Nonedibles as Reinforcers Punishment Strategies to Change Behavior Implementing the Behavioral Intervention Plan Summary Real-Life Applications 6. Goals, Objectives, and Lesson Plans Rationale Legal Foundation Annual Goals and Objectives Develop a Present Level of Academic Achievement The Need for Data Collection Methods for Collecting Data Special Factors and the Individualized Education Program Write the Annual Goals and Objectives Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Elements Monitoring Student Progress: Your Grading System Summary Real-Life Applications 7. Instructional Strategies Rationale Instructional Considerations Age-Appropriate Materials and Activities Variety Increases Interest Sensory Needs Instructional Methods and Strategies Direct Instruction Applied Behavior Analysis Grouping Students Social Stories Having a Substitute Teacher Work Stations Station Rotation Community-Based Instruction Summary Real-Life Applications 8. Communication Systems and Strategies Rationale The Speech and Language Pathologist Communication Throughout the Day Teaching Social Skills The Use of Schedules and Communication Communication and Assistive Technology Communication and Behavior Summary Real-Life Applications 9. Communication with Parents Rationale Setting Up a System for Parent Communication Student-Generated Daily Communication to Parents Keeping Communication Meaningful and Helpful Documentation Parental Involvement Summary Real-Life Applications 10. Related Services and Other School Staff Rationale Important Information About Related Services Related Services Defined Who Qualifies for Related Services? Direct Versus Indirect Services Service Delivery Models Other School Staff Summary Real-Life Applications Putting It All Together Resources Glossary and Acronym Guide Forms Index
A great resource for teaching assistants, NQTs, and school leaders and principlas wishing to establish a collaborative and consistent SEN setting where their students feel safe and successful.
Marcia Rohrer lives in Houston, Texas, and currently is an educational consultant for Behavior Plus, Inc. in Friendswood, Texas. She has worked closely with school district special education directors on how to implement the 10 Critical Components in various types of special education classrooms. She has consulted with special education teachers who are now using these components in their classrooms. Her special area of interest and expertise is teaching parents and teachers the importance of using visual strategies and ways to structure the classroom and home to increase student success. During her 24 years of experience teaching students in self-contained and resource settings, she was a liaison between school and parents, presented numerous in-services and workshops to educators and parents, and served as an In-Home and Parent Trainer. She was also a founding member of an innovative district-wide team of autism professionals. She and her co-author, Nannette Samson, have presented in-services and workshops on the 10 Critical Components as well as other topics at the Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education, at the Texas State Autism Conference, and at Educational Regional Service Centers throughout Texas. Nannette Samson is an educational consultant for Behavior Plus Inc. in Friendswood, Texas. When she is not presenting the two day workshop based on this book with her co-author and good friend, Marcia Rohrer, she presents various parent and teacher workshops, conducts In-Home and Parent Training evaluations, teaches social skills classes, assists teachers in implementing the 10 Critical Components in their classrooms, and consults with schools and parents. As a retired teacher whose degrees include both Elementary and Special Education, she has over 26 years of experience teaching students with special needs in self contained, resource, and inclusion settings. Nannette also served as a district-wide consultant to general and special education teachers regarding implementation of students' individual education plans, behavior strategies, and classroom management. Her last five years in the public school system were spent as a member of her district's autism support team providing In-Home and Parent Training services, consulting with educational staff and parents, and serving as a liaison between parents and school personnel. Her special area of emphasis has been assisting students and their families with the transition process in moving from elementary to intermediate school. Nannette has presented numerous workshops and in-services throughout Texas at Educational Regional Service Centers, school districts, the Texas State Autism Conference, and the Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education.