Foreword by Gail L. Thompson Acknowledgements About the Author Introduction Part I: Commitment to Equity, Transformative Change, and Implementation 1. Common Core and Cultural Proficiency: A Commitment Toward Equity 2. History and Hope for Changing Schools 3. The Tools of Cultural Proficiency 4. Promise of the Common Core 5. Leadership and the Common Core 6. From Stuckness to Implementation (or From Yikes to YES!) PART II: Culturally Proficient Professional Learning 7. Assessing Cultural Knowledge Through Collecting, Analyzing, and Using Data to Guide Decisions 8. Valuing Diversity by Developing Skillful Leaders to Create Support Systems for Professional Learning 9. Managing the Dynamics of Diversity by Creating and Sustaining Learning Communities 10. Adapting to Diversity by Applying Evidence-Based Approaches to Actively Engage Educators in Improving Practice 11. Institutionalizing Cultural Knowledge by Applying and Connecting a Commitment Toward Common Outcomes for All Students PART III: Move to Action 12. Ensuring a Culturally Proficient Professional Learning Plan Resource A: Book Study Guide Resource B: Cultural Proficiency Books' Essential Questions References Index
Lead a Common Core implementation that closes achievement gaps! Will your Common Core implementation promote equity, access, and inclusion? This illuminating book shows how central Common Core tenets-rigor, meaningful curricula and assessment, and higher order thinking-can become educational realities for every child in your school or district. Written by a team of respected authors known for guiding schools and districts towards cultural proficiency, this resource enables readers to Understand how underlying beliefs related to historically-underserved students may create roadblocks to effective instruction Create a school culture where diversity is valued, including developing relevant professional learning Compile and analyze meaningful data that enables faculty to better reach students from all backgrounds Advance the goal of college and career-readiness for all learners With a compelling call to action and practical strategies, this timely book points the way to a Common Core implementation that benefits every student. "The authors have ensured that the use of cultural proficiency by educators provides the Common Core State Standards with the 'step towards the place where equity and access are realized for all learners.' Equity and access, two of the pillars of equity in education, are essential if meeting individual student needs are truly to occur." -Dr. Kenneth R. Magdaleno, Associate Professor Kremen School of Education, Fresno State, CA "This resource gives not only theory and rationale for this important change in thinking, but also the guided steps to collaborate and reflect as part of the change process." -Dr. Carol Van Vooren, Assistant Professor California State University, San Marcos
Dr. Delores B. Lindsey retired as Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at California State University San Marcos; however, she has not retired from the education profession. Her primary focus is developing culturally proficient leaders. She helps educational leaders examine their organizations' policies and practices, and their individual beliefs and values about cross-cultural communication. Her message to her audiences focuses on viewing, creating, and managing socially just educational practices, culturally proficient leadership practice, and diversity as an asset to be nurtured. Her favorite reflective question is: Are we who we say we are? Delores and husband Randall, her favorite Sage/Corwin author, continue to co-write about the application of the four Tools of Cultural Proficiency. Her most recent publication, which is on the Bestseller list from Corwin, is Leading While Female, A Culturally Proficient Response for Gender Equity, with Trudy Arriaga and Stacie Stanley. Raymond Terrell, EdD. retired as Associate Dean for Research and Diversity and member of he department of Educational Leadership at Miami University, Oxford< Ohio. He previously worked at California State University, Los Angeles where he served as Professor of Educational Administration and for five years he was the Dean of the School of Eduction. His journey in education began in a public school district where he taught English to junior and senior high students;. He also was a principal and an assistant superintend in the same district. Dr. Terrell is co-author on a number of books including , Cultural Proficiency: and a A Manual for School Leaders, Cultural Proficient Leadership. His books and numerous articles and life's work have all focused on issues of equity and inclusion Randall B. Lindsey is Emeritus Professor at California State University, Los Angeles. He has served as a teacher, an administrator, executive director of a non-profit corporation, as Interim Dean at California Lutheran University, as Distinguished Educator in Residence at Pepperdine University, and as Chair of the Education Department at the University of Redlands. All of Randy's experiences have been in working with diverse populations and his area of study is the behavior of white people in multicultural settings. His Ph.D. is in Educational Leadership from Georgia State University, his Master of Arts in Teaching is in History Education from the University of Illinois, and his B.S. in Social Science Education is from Western Illinois University. He has served as a junior high school and high school teacher and as an administrator in charge of school desegregation efforts. At Cal State, L.A. he served as Chair of the Division of Administration and Counseling and as Director of the Regional Assistance Centers for Educational Equity, a regional race desegregation assistance center. With co-authors he has written several books and articles on applying the Cultural Proficiency Framework in various contexts. Email - Website - Twitter - @RBLindsey41