Foreward by Yvette Jackson Acknowledgements About the Author Introduction Part I: Building Awareness and Understanding 1. Climbing Out of the Gap 2. What's Culture Go to Do with It? 3. This is Your Brain on Culture 4. Preparing to Be a Culturally Responsive Practitioner Part II: Building Learning Partnerships 5. Building the Foundation of Learning Partnership 6. Establishing Alliance in the Learning Partnership 7. Shifting Academic Mindset in the Learning Partnership Part III: Building Intellective Capacity 8. Information Processing to Build Intellective Capacity 9. Creating a Culturally Responsive Community for Learning 10. Epilogue References
Written in a teacher-friendly manner, this resource builds teacher capacity for addressing the needs of underserved students by presenting high-leverage instructional strategies that are informed by the latest findings in neuroscience and cognition, as well as culturally-responsive instruction.