Foreword, Carol D. Lee Introduction: The Importance of Pedagogical Content for the Teaching of English 1. Knowing the Territory of Literature 2. Teaching in the Territory of Literature 3. The Territory of Writing: What Makes for Good Writing? 4. The Territory of Writing: How Can We Facilitate Growth? 5. The Territory of Oral Discourse 6. The Territory of Language: What Do We Teach When We Teach Language? 7. What English Teachers Should Know Appendix A. What is the "Business" of Teaching English?: Profiles of English Teachers in Action Appendix B. Knowledge about Mode and Form: What Is a Tragedy? Appendix C. Practice with Rules of Notice and Rules of Significance Appendix D. Applying Rules of Notice and Signification Appendix E. Discovering Rules of Configuration Appendix F. A Case for Discussion and Written Response Appendix G. Drawing on Knowledge about Drama: Reading a Shakespeare Play as Performance Appendix H. Using Language Analysis to "Open" a Novel References
To be successful, teachers of English in grades 6-12 need more than basic content knowledge and classroom management skills. They need a deep understanding of the goals and principles of teaching literature, writing, oral discourse, and language in order to make sound instructional decisions. This engaging book explores the pedagogical foundations of the discipline and gives novice and future teachers specific guidance for creating effective, interesting learning experiences. The authors consider such questions as what makes a literary text worth studying, what students gain from literary analysis, how to make writing meaningful, and how to weave listening and speaking into every class meeting. Professional learning and course use are facilitated by end-of-chapter reflection questions, text boxes, and appendices showcasing exemplary learning activities.