1. The Importance of Vocabulary Breadth and Depth 2. Principles of Effective Vocabulary Instruction 3. Explicit and Extended Vocabulary Instruction 4. Word Learning and Word Use in a Language Rich Environment 5. Word Awareness and Independent Word Learning 6. Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge 7. Differentiating Vocabulary Instruction 8. Using Multimedia to Support Word Learning in the Digital Age 9. Home-School Connections to Support Word Learning 10. Implementing Vocabulary Instruction in Prekindergarten through Second-Grade Classrooms Appendix. Resources for Vocabulary Instruction
This book presents the most effective instructional strategies for promoting vocabulary growth in the early grades, when the interdependence of word learning and oral language development is especially strong. The authors guide teachers in choosing the best materials and in fostering home-school connections, and share six key principles for building vocabulary. Included are guiding questions; text boxes connecting vocabulary to the Common Core State Standards; examples from real teachers; reproducible checklists, rubrics, and other tools; and an appendix of additional vocabulary resources. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.