I. Preparing for Implementation1. Introduction to the Systems-Oriented Plan for Academic Achievement 2. SOPAA Key Definitions, History, Components, and Roles3. Preliminary Considerations for SOPAA ImplementationII. The Six SOPAA Components4. Initial Steps of the TAPS Process: Requests for Academic Support and Preparation for the Intervention Planning Meeting5. Secondary Steps of the TAPS Process: Intervention Planning, Follow-Ups, and Summative Reviews of Intervention Effectiveness6. Assessment for Instruction7. Maximizing Implementation through Targeted Professional Development 8. Maximizing Intervention Delivery through Recruiting and Training School Volunteers9. Obtaining Support for the SOPAA through Effective Communication with School Leaders10. Obtaining and Sustaining Support for the SOPAA through Effective Communication with Teachers11. Using the SOPAA with Multidisciplinary Co-FacilitatorsIII. Additional Information and Guidance 12. Evidence-Based and Learner-Verified Intervention Programs in Reading, Mathematics, and Writing13. Case Illustrations of SOPAA Implementation14. Using the SOPAA to Support Graduate Students' Training and Applied Experiences in SchoolsEpilogueAppendices
This book presents a schoolwide model of instructional support designed to make the most of available time, resources, and personnel-one that is also fully compatible with other problem-solving models, such as response to intervention. The authors provide a comprehensive and cohesive framework for linking assessment and intervention. They show how to interweave evidence-based instruction with targeted professional development and other components that support improved learning outcomes for all K-8 students. Helpful tables describe dozens of research-based assessments and interventions in reading, writing, and math. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding to facilitate photocopying, the volume includes more than 20 reproducible worksheets and forms. The companion website features additional reproducibles and supplemental materials for use in conjunction with the book. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman.