The Instructional Leader and the Brain

Using Neuroscience to Inform Practice


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By Margaret C. Glick
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This book will provide information and insight to educational leaders that will enhance their ability to lead, guide, and support the classroom teacher. These insights will be provided through an examination of five neuroscience principles. Readers will be given opportunities not only to find overt links to how these principles unfold in classrooms, staff rooms, and board rooms, but will also be encouraged to find connections to their own unique contexts (both professionally and personally) along the way. Each of the five principles presented will include information about the neuroscience behind the principle. Focus questions and real stories will be used to clarify the context of each principle. These anecdotes will include examples of how we see and experience these principles in action. Specific strategies of how the principle might be exemplified in a K-12 school setting will be included. At certain points throughout the book, content questions will be posed to assist the reader in their own processing and understanding of this complex material.

Foreword by Pat Wolfe Preface - Brain Compatible Instructional Leadership Acknowledgments About the Author Instructional Leaders Knowledge and Skills Why This Book? Why Now? What Makes This Book Unique? Organization of the Book 1. A Brain Primer - Major Structures and Their Functions Brain Hemispheres The Cortex The Cerebellum Brainstem Lobes of the Brain Frontal Lobes Parietal Lobes Motor Strip Somatosensory Strip Temporal Lobes Occipital Lobes Cellular Brain Plasticity's Role in Instructional Leadership Mindsets and Instructional Leadership How Might the Instructional Leader Support a Teacher Struggling with these Principles? Celebrate What You Want to See More Of Using The Survey Survey for Brain-Compatible Instructional Leadership 2. Emotions How Insults Affect Thinking The Transformative Power of Positive Emotions How Anxiety Can Curtail Clear Thinking Neuroscience behind emotions The Limbic Region - The Role of the Amygdala and Hippocampus Fast v. Slow Pathway - (Fight or Flight v. Thoughtful Response) Negative Emotions Impact in a School Setting Positive Emotions in a School Setting How to use this as an Instructional Leader Positive Emotional Valance in a Classroom Modeling of Healthy Emotional Responses Language's Link to Emotions Emotions and Supervising Teachers School-wide Structures that Promote Positive Emotional Valance Professional Development on Emotions - Inform and Teach Connecting Instructional Leader Knowledge and Skill Sets to Emotions Impact On Learning Resource Provider Instructional Resource Good Communicator Sample Observation of How a Teacher Embeds the Principle What are Some of the Things the Teacher did that Exemplified an Understanding of How Emotions Impact Learning? Ideas for Teachers to Increase EQ in their Classrooms Class Meetings Teaching Students About Their Brains Sam's Circles Chapter Summary Post-Assessment Chapter 2 - Emotions Impact on Learning Questions for Study Group 3. Attention and Engagement How does understanding how attention and engagement work help an instructional leader? Inattention subterfuge Flow Attention v. Engagement Attention and Engagement Similarities Attention Engagement ADD/ADHD and Attention Qualities of Engaging Work Personal Response Personal response in the Classroom Personal response in the Staffroom Clear Models Clear Models in the Classroom Clear Models in the Staffroom Emotional Safety Emotional Safety in the Classroom Emotional Safety in the Staffroom Intellectual Safety Intellectual Safety in the Classroom Intellectual Safety in the Staffroom Learning With Others Learning with Others in the Classroom Learning with Others in the Staffroom Feedback Feedback in the Classroom Feedback in the Staffroom Sense of Audience Sense of Audience in the Classroom Sense of Audience in the Staffroom Choice Choice in the Classroom Choice in the Staffroom Variety Variety in the Classroom Variety in the Staffroom Authenticity Authenticity in the Classroom Authenticity in the Staffroom Rigor Rigor in the Classroom Rigor in the Staffroom Sense of Competence Sense of Competence in the Classroom Sense of Competence in the Staffroom Meaning and Relevance Meaning and Relevance in the Classroom Meaning and Relevance in the Staffroom Connecting Instructional Leader Knowledge and Skill Sets to Attention and Engagement Resource Provider Instructional Resource Good Communicator Professional Development for Attention and Engagement What to Look For in a Lesson Plan? Sample Observation of a Teacher who Understands the Principle What are some of the Things the Teacher Did to Take Advantage of Attention and Engagement? Chapter Summary Post Assessment Chapter 3 - Attention and Engagement Questions for Study Group 4. The Power Processing The Effects of Sensory Overload on Processing Things that Inhibit Processing Processing that Seems Effortless Two Filters to Consider - Relevance and Environment The Neuroscience Behind Processing - An Analogy Brain Structures, Functions and Processing Planning for Processing Results of Effective Processing What to Look For in Classrooms: Student Processing The Use of Multiple Modalities The Use of Specific Structures that Enhance Processing Thinking Maps Classroom Structures that Aid Processing Using Drawing for Processing Kinesthetic Structures for Processing Computer-Assisted Processing Time for Processing Proof of Processing Promising Practices with Professional Development What to Look for In a Lesson Plan Lesson Plans, Unit Plans and Curriculum that Attends to Processing Connecting Instructional Leader Knowledge and Skill Sets to Understanding Processing Resource Provider Instructional Resource Good Communicator Sample Observation of How a Teacher Embeds the Principle What are some of the Things the Teacher did to Take Advantage of How We Process? Chapter Summary Post Assessment Chapter 4 - The Power of Processing Questions for Study Group 5. Feedback How Understanding Feedback Helps the Instructional Leader Untimely Feedback Feedback that Encourages and Motivates What is Feedback? What's Going on in Our Brains During Feedback? Tight and Loose Feedback Correlation Between Amount of Feedback and Distance to Learning Goal Different Kinds of Feedback Written Feedback Demonstration for Feedback Elements of Effective Feedback Emotional Valance of Feedback Feedback in the Staffroom Giving Feedback on Instruction Feedback Regarding Professionalism Methods of Feedback in Classrooms Rubrics are Brain-Compatible Models for Feedback Using Rubrics for Feedback With Teachers What to Look for in the Classroom Student to Student Feedback Learning Progressions Feedback During Instruction Individual White Boards and Feedback Student Response Systems I-Clickers Five-Finger Rubrics The Magic of the Dot Checklist Provide Feedback Reflections for Feedback Professional Development for Teaching About Feedback What to Look for in a Lesson Plan Connecting Instructional Leader Knowledge and Skill Sets to Understanding Feedback Resource Provider Instructional Resource Good Communicator Sample Observation of How a Teacher Embeds the Principle What Are Some of the Things the Teacher Did to Take Advantage of Giving and Getting Feedback? Chapter Summary Post Assessment Chapter 5 - Feedback Questions for Study Group 6. Memory How Understanding How Memory Works Helps the Instructional Leader Unconscious Memory Remembering - Even When You Don't Want To Remembering After Decades What is Memory? Timing Issues Amount of Information Issue - M-Space and Chunking How Does Memory Work? Different Memory Systems - Declarative and Non-Declarative Declarative Memory Declarative Memories' Subgroups - Semantic and Episodic Semantic Memory Episodic Memories Non-Declarative (procedural, emotional, automatic response) Procedural Memories Emotional Memories Automatic Responses Some Things that Help Us Remember Why and How do We Forget? The Seven Sins of Memory Sample Observation of How a Teacher Embeds the Principle What are Some Things the Teacher Did to Take Advantage of Memory Systems in this Example? Connecting Instructional Leader Knowledge and Skill Sets to Understanding How Memory Works Resource Provider Instructional Resource Good Communicator Chapter Summary Post Assessment Chapter 6 - Memory Questions for Study Group Endnote Index

Margaret Glick is an educational consultant specializing in neuroeducation. Her passion is promoting a working understanding between current neuroscience research and its implications to education. This passion stems from the belief in the capacity of educators to reach the highest level of learning and thinking in order to continuously reflect and improve their practice. Margaret's experience as a teacher, instructional coach, presenter, principal, superintendent and instructor of a brain development and cognition courses at the university level combine to bring a wide range of skills and understanding to her work in education. Working with a wide diversity of school districts, from the very small, rural settings, to the large, urban districts - Margaret customizes, adapts and differentiates her methods to achieve success in varied learning communities. Her expertise includes providing brain-compatible professional development regarding neuroeducation, mindsets, classroom environment, instruction, engagement, and assessment.

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