Introduction The Problem of School Safety The Need for a Proactive Approach to School Safety Strategies for Creating Safe Schools Organization of the Book What's New in the Second Edition 1. Creating a Safe School Defining a Safe School Persistently Dangerous School Indicators Indicators of a Safe School Factors Associated With School Violence Characteristics of Youth Offenders 2. Setting the Foundation The School Safety Team Composition of the School Safety Team The Role of Assessment in School Safety Developing the School Safety Assessment Tool Content of the School Safety Assessment Tool Assessment Areas Area 1 - Cultural and Personal Characteristics Area 2 - Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Area 3 - Social Environment Area 4 - Political Environment Physical Environment Techniques for Measuring School Needs The Argument for Focus Groups School Safety Plan Environmental Safety Student Education School Policies and Procedures School-Community Partnerships Developing School Safety Plan Strategies Vision Statement of Need Goals and Objectives Timeline for Implementation of the School Safety Plan Procedures for Plan Review Implementing the School Safety Plan Evaluating Safety Plan Effectiveness 3. Positioning Character Development in School Curricula Effects of Character on Safe Schools Character Education History of Character Education The Character Education Controversy Current Trends in Character Education Moral Content vs. Moral Thought Processes Cognitive Development and Character Education Connecting Character Education to Conflict Resolution Education Strategies for Implementing Character Education Curriculum Environment Offering Opportunities for Student Action Potential Pitfalls in Character Education Successful Character Education Programs 4. Implementing Conflict Resolution Education The Fourth R: Resolution Goals of Conflict Resolution Education Building Students' Self-Awareness Self-Esteem Anger Management Perspective Taking and Empathy Empathy and Perspective Taking Enhancing Students' Interpersonal Interactions Communication Skills Active Listening Techniques Paraphrasing Clarification Reflection Encouragement and Validation Summary I Messages Assertiveness Constructive Conflict Resolution Strategies The Nature of Conflict: Theoretical Background Approaches to Conflict Resolution Education Process Approach Curriculum Infusion Approach Language Arts History and Geography Math Music and Art Professional Development Requirements of Conflict Resolution Education Involving Family Members in Conflict Resolution Education Models of Effective Conflict Resolution Education Programs 5. Peer Mediation Programming Students Helping to Create Safe Schools Goals and Process of Mediation Theoretical Foundation of Peer Mediation School Staff Involvement in Peer Mediation Programs Implementing Peer Mediation Programs Selecting Students for Peer Mediation Training Selecting Mediation Program Coordinators Training Peer Mediators Conducting the Peer Mediation Program Mediation Referrals and Requests Mediation Location and Time Potential Problems and Solutions Encountered in Peer Mediation Programming Creating Family and Community Partnerships Application of the Mediation Model Models of Effective Peer Mediation Programming 6. Integrating Diversity Into Conflict Resolution Programs Safe Schools Appreciate Differences Goals of Diversity Education Connections Between Diversity and Conflict Resolution Education Programs Effect of Culture on Communication Skills Communication Skills and Diversity Education Conflict Resolution Strategy Selection Strategies for Diversity Education Cooperative Learning Groups Direct Anti-bias Education Circle Game Activity Verbal and Nonverbal Cues Activity School as a Culture Exercise Mythdrama Technique Cultural Connections Discussing Differences Guidelines for Implementing Diversity Education Positive Techniques Potential Pitfalls to Avoid Models of Effective Diversity Education Programs 7. Evaluating School Safety Programs Evaluation: A Necessary Component of School Safety The Role of the Evaluator What Should the Evaluation Measure? Evaluating Student Education Programs Evaluating Policies and Procedures Evaluating School-Community Partnerships Evaluating the Environment Mechanisms for Evaluating School Safety Programs Process Evaluation vs. Outcome and Impact Evaluation Appendix A: Sample School Safety Handbook Table of Contents and General Emergency Management Plan B: Sample School Safety Information Policy Agreement C: Resources References Index
Leadership Strategies for Safe Schools guides principals, administrators, and teachers through the process of creating and implementing a proactive, student-centered school safety program. The author breaks down the process into manageable steps, from needs assessment to program evaluation, and provides detailed information about how to implement programs for:Character development and educationConflict resolution and violence preventionPeer mediationDiversity educationThe revised edition includes references to current research, offers case studies and vignettes that illustrate the impact of school safety programs, and presents numerous additional strategies.
Elizabeth Barton is associate director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies and assistant professor (research) at Wayne State University. As a developmental psychologist specializing in socioemotional development, she has served as a national consultant on school-based violence for over a decade. She recently received a U.S. Department of Education grant to study violence exposure on learning in a longitudinal sample of urban youth and is currently conducting a statewide assessment in Michigan of organizational readiness for youth violence prevention programs. Barton is the author of numerous publications, including Leadership Strategies for Safe Schools. She is an Urban Health Initiative fellow, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She earned her PhD and MA at Wayne State University.