Preface My Definition of "Crazy" Who This Book Is For Special Features of the Book Overview of the Contents Acknowledgments About the Author 1. Why So Many Parents Are Angry, Troubled, Afraid, or Just Plain Crazy The Parents of Today What's Behind the Epidemic? Summing Up and Looking Ahead 2. Defusing and Disarming Out-of-Control Parents What Is Anger? How to Deal With Parents Who Are Upset or Out of Control Strategies for Dealing With Truly Troubled Parents Using Your Enounters With Parents to Learn and Grow Summing Up and Looking Ahead 3. Solving the Problems That Make Parents Angry, Troubled, Afraid, or Just Plain Crazy The Pervasive Problems That Plague Us Solving the Problems That Plague Us Behaviors That Can Sabotage Your Good Intentions What to Do When Nothing Works Summing Up and Looking Ahead 4. Creating and Nurturing a Healthy School The "Virulent Viruses" The Dangerous Dozen A Healthy School The Healthy Leader Promoting and Maintaining a Healthy School Steps to Take if Your School Is Sick Summing Up and Looking Ahead 5. The Proactive Approach: Fifty-Plus Ways to Build Parental Support Fifty-Plus Suggestions to Get You Started Summing Up and Looking Ahead Conclusion References Index Facilitator's Guide Who Should Use This Guide? How Is the Guide Organized? What Materials Are Needed? Study Modules Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Chapter 1. Why So Many Parents Are Angry, Troubled, Afraid, or Just Plain Crazy Module 3: Chapter 2. Defusing and Disarming Out-of-Control Parents Module 4: Chapter 3. Solving the Problems That Make Parents Mad Module 5: Chapter 4. Promoting a Healthy School Module 6: Chapter 5. Fifty-Plus Ways to Be Proactive Module 7: Conclusion
Updated Edition of Bestseller! How do you deal with high-maintenance parents who never seem happy with the job you are doing? Emotionally charged, often disgruntled, and occasionally abusive parents--sound familiar? The second edition of Elaine McEwan's bestselling classic will help you manage your most difficult audience, adding several new features and examples that will give you the confidence and skills you need to handle such situations, including: Over two dozen strategies-enhanced and updated-to defuse emotionally charged parents An updated, easy-to-administer Healthy School Checklist to determine if your school's culture encourages parents or pushes them over the edge Fifty Ways to build parental support for your school Ten Goals-at-a-Glance to help keep your school-community relations on target A built-in facilitator guide--ideal for book groups and staff development, including energizers, suggestions for role-playing, think-alouds, and questions for reflection and discussion Every educator will find invaluable strategies for handling angry and unresponsive parents and the critical issues that cause misunderstandings. Following McEwan's seven steps of effective problem-solving will help with quick solutions while creating a nurturing, healthy school environment. And in today's schools and a NCLB environment, developing a supportive parent-community relationship is essential to everyone's success.
Elaine K. McEwan is an educational consultant with The McEwan-Adkins Group, offering professional development for educators to assist them in meeting the challenges of literacy learning in Grades Pre K-6. A former teacher, librarian, principal, and assistant superintendent for instruction in several suburban Chicago school districts, Elaine is the award-winning and best-selling author of more than three dozen books for educators. Her Corwin Press titles include Raising Reading Achievement in Middle and High Schools: Five Simple-to-Follow Strategies for Principals, Second Edition (2006), Seven Strategies of Highly Effective Readers: Using Cognitive Research to Boost K-8 Achievement (2004), Ten Traits of Highly Effective Principals: From Good to Great Performance (2003), Making Sense of Research: What's Good, What's Not, and How to Tell the Difference (2003), Seven Steps to Effective Instructional Leadership, Second Edition (2003), Teach Them ALL to Read: Catching the Kids Who Fall through the Cracks (2002), and Ten Traits of Highly Effective Teachers: How to Hire, Mentor, and Coach Successful Teachers (2001). McEwan was honored by the Illinois Principals Association as an outstanding instructional leader, by the Illinois State Board of Education with an Award of Excellence in the Those Who Excel Program, and by the National Association of Elementary School Principals as the National Distinguished Principal from Illinois for 1991. She received her undergraduate degree in education from Wheaton College and advanced degrees in library science (MA) and educational administration (EdD) from Northern Illinois University.