Dedication About the Author Acknowledgements How to Use This Toolkit Companion Website Stepping out in to University with Dyslexia Procrastination Note-Taking Understanding Your Assignment Gathering Information Thinking Critically Writing Your Assignment Writing Your Dissertation Referencing Exams Oral Presentations Making the Most of Your Feedback References Index
'This toolkit is the student's safety net offering user friendly, down to earth advice and real life skills that have been tried and tested by the author' -Dr John Schneider, Educational Psychologist, Edinburgh 'This is exactly how I felt starting university ...a wonderful and very helpful book full of interesting and useful hints and tips on how to survive university as a dyslexic student. It doesn't make you feel silly or stupid but makes you feel you can achieve what you set out to do' -Sharon Patterson, Adult Nursing student, Edinburgh Napier University 'You realize you're in the hands of a professional who has taught thousands of students how to succeed at university' -Holly Pellicer, Dyslexia Advisor, University of Oslo Packed with helpful advice, checklists and templates, this book will help you improve your study skills throughout your time at university. Written in a straightforward, no- nonsense style, the guidance can be broken down into manageable chunks. Issues covered include: @! procrastination @! planning your assignment @! understanding your essay question @! researching, writing and referencing your written work @! managing your own well-being. Drawing on years of experience running study skills workshops in higher education, Monica Gribben has written an accessible book for students with dyslexia that shows how to work through the challenges that studying presents. The companion Website has podcasts, worksheets and electronic resources to support each chapter. Monica Gribben is a private dyslexia consultant and Dyslexia Adviser at Edinburgh Napier University.