Circle Time for the Very Young 3/e


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By Margaret Collins
Release Date:


Circle Time for the Very Young has been used by teachers and practitioners alike for the last ten years! Now in its third edition, this book has been fully updated and includes a CD Rom to help you with Circle Time in your early years setting. Circle Time is used to help form positive relationships, increase confidence and self-esteem and provide a safe environment to explore feelings and opinions. Covering the 3 to 9 age range and focused on the core PSHE themes, this book contains the following to help you establish, and maintain, circle time in your setting: - An explanation of Circle Time and how it works - Over 100 plans for different Circle Time sessions - Different plans for both young and older children - Activity sheets to use at the end of each session - Evaluation sheets to use at the end of each theme All the activity and evaluation sheets can be printed from the new CD-Rom making it an ideal resource for those that want to use circle time but don't have time to plan the sessions. This book is easily used in any setting and is a must-have for busy practitioners.

Introduction How to Use This Book A Framework for Circle Time PSHE in Circle Time Working with Younger (three to six Years) and Older (six to nine Years) Children The Structure for Circle Times in This Book Theme 1: Friends and Friendships Theme 2: Growing and Growing Up Theme 3: Keeping Safe Theme 4: Self-Esteem Theme 5: Keeping Healthy Theme 6: Feelings and Persuasion Theme 7: Citizenship Theme 8: Loss, Grief and Separation Using Children's Literature Resources

Margaret Collins is a former headteacher of infant and first schools. She is now Senior Visiting Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Southampton. She researches children's perceptions of health education topics, writes teaching materials for children, books and articles on PSHE.

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