Planning Science Instruction for Emergent Bilinguals

Weaving in Rich and Relevant Language Support


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By Edward G. Lyon, Kelly M. Mackura, Foreword by George C. Bunch
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This practical resource takes educators through a planning process-from selecting standards to designing learning activities-that weaves together language, literacy, and science in ways that are responsive to emergent bilinguals. Drawing on extensive and current research, the authors show how secondary educators can use students' own language and lived experiences, coupled with authentic science practices, to provide rich and relevant language support. Using a science unit as a shared text, readers will learn how to gather rich knowledge about emergent bilinguals, unpack the ideas and language demands of Next Generation Science Standards, strategically embed language and literacy standards in the curriculum, and sequence learning activities around an anchoring phenomenon, a text, and an assessment. In the process, readers will come away with a repertoire of planning tools and examples of how to support emergent bilinguals in using language to collaborate with others and to interpret and produce texts that are central to learning and doing science. Planning Science Instruction for Emergent Bilinguals blends theory and practice so readers understand both how and why this planning process can be used to disrupt social inequity for emergent bilinguals. Book Features: Describes intentional decisions that educators can make when planning a science unit or learning experience. Shows how to weave together Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core English Language Arts Standards, and language development. Provides a model unit about kelp forest ecosystems to illustrate how theory is translated into practice. Demonstrates how to use emergent bilinguals' assets (linguistic skills, family experiences, personal interests) to create engaging science instruction. Provides a set of planning tools, including both blank templates and completed examples, to guide educators through the planning process.

Contents Foreword George C. Bunch ?xi Introduction ?1 Part I: Foundations for Teaching Science to Emergent Bilinguals 1. ?Reenvisioning Science Teaching for Emergent Bilinguals ?9 Emergent Bilinguals in PK-12 Science Classrooms ?9 Next Generation Science Standards and Why They Matter for Emergent Bilinguals ?11 Science Teacher Learning Through Core Teaching Practices ?16 Concluding Reminders ?17 2. ?A Research Primer for Integrating Science Learning With Language and Literacy Development for Emergent Bilinguals ?18 Theoretical Foundations for Integrating Science With Language and Literacy Development for Emergent Bilinguals ?19 Language Demands and Rethinking the Notion of "Academic Language" ?20 Translanguaging and the Fluidity of Language Use ?24 The Secondary Science Teaching With English Language and Literacy Acquisition (SSTELLA) Framework ?25 Concluding Reminders ?28 3. ?Ecosystem Interactions and Resources: A Sample Unit to Illustrate the Planning Process ?29 Student and Curricular Context ?29 Unit-Level Planning ?30 Planning a Conceptual and Linguistic Progression ?32 Concluding Reminders ?36 Part II: Unit-Level Planning 4. ?Knowing Your Emergent Bilingual Students and Their Families ?41 Understanding Emergent Bilinguals as a Diverse Student Group ?41 Planning Tool 1: Knowing Your Emergent Bilinguals and Their Families ?42 Concluding Reminders ?49 5. ?Unpacking the Next Generation Science Standards and Curricular Resources ?50 Understanding Your Curricular Context ?50 Planning Tool 2: Unpacking the Next Generation Science Standards and Curricular Resources ?51 Concluding Reminders ?56 6. ?Weaving Common Core English Language Arts and English Language Development Into Next Generation Science Standards ?57 Common Core English Language Arts (ELA) Standards ?57 English Language Development (ELD) Standards ?59 Planning Tool 3: Weaving Together ELA/ELD Standards and NGSS ?61 Differentiating ELA/ELD Standards by Knowing Your Emergent Bilinguals ?64 Concluding Reminders ?65 7. ?Anchoring the Unit With Phenomena, Texts, and Assessment ?66 Moving From Standards and Big Ideas to Phenomena, Texts, and Assessment ?66 Planning Tool 4: Framing the Unit Through Rich and Relevant Phenomena, Texts, and Assessment ?67 Concluding Reminders ?77 Part III: Planning a Conceptual and Linguistic Progression of Learning 8. ?Connecting a Conceptual Progression to Language and Literacy ?81 From Standards and Anchors to a Conceptual Progression ?81 Planning Tool 6: Analyzing the Anchor Text ?83 Planning Tool 7: Unpacking the Unit's Science-Specific Language Demands ?87 From Analysis of Text and Language Demands to a Linguistic Progression of Learning ?90 Concluding Reminders ?90 9. ?Interpretive Language Progression ?91 Planning an Interpretive Language Progression ?91 Noticing and Wondering About the Anchor Phenomenon ?92 Identifying Key Features of the Anchor Phenomenon ?93 Watching a Video Closely to Introduce Key Concepts ?94 Make Sense of Key Vocabulary From a Text ?96 Identifying Key Ideas From the Anchor Text ?97 Using Leveled Inquiry Questions to Analyze Patterns and Trends ?99 Citing Evidence for the Culminating Assessment Activity ?101 Concluding Interpretive Language Reminders ?102 10. ?Collaborative Language Progression ?104 Planning a Collaborative Language Progression ?104 Pair-Shares and Intentional Grouping ?105 Time to Think and Write ?106 Collaboration Boards ?106 Science Talks for Collaborative Thinking and Sharing ?107 From Group Work to Collaborative Inquiry ?108 Targeting Collaborative Language in the Culminating Assessment Activity ?111 Concluding Collaborative Language Reminders ?111 11. ?Productive Language Progression ?113 Planning a Productive Language Progression ?113 Setting Up for Productive Language Through Interactive Science Notebooks ?114 Developing and Using Vocabulary for Productive Language ?115 Producing Written Analyses and Interpretations From a Science Article ?116 Producing Graphs, Data Analyses, and Data Interpretations ?118 Supporting "How Language Works" ?120 Drafting, Revising, and Sharing Texts ?122 Concluding Productive Language Reminders ?124 Conclusion: Strengthening Science Instructional Planning for Emergent Bilinguals Through Collaboration ?126 Collaboration Between Science Teachers and University Researchers/Teacher Educators ?127 Collaboration Between Science Teachers and English Language Arts and English Language Development Teachers ?128 Collaboration Between Mentor Science Teachers and Science Teacher Candidates ?128 Collaboration Between Science Teachers and Families/Caregivers and Their Students ?129 Appendix A: Sample Ecosystem Interactions and Resources Lesson Plans ?131 Appendix B: Additional Unit Frames and Student Resources ?137 Appendix C: Blank Forms for Unit and Lesson Planning ?152 References ?163 Index ?167 About the Authors ?173

Edward G. Lyon is associate professor and chair of the Department of Curriculum Studies and Secondary Education at Sonoma State University. Kelly M. Mackura is a science teacher at the Cesar Chavez Language Academy, Santa Rosa, California.

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