About the Author Introduction Vocabulary Pre-Test 1. Making Decisions About Assessment 2. Identifying and Enhancing Student Understanding 3. Formats for Teacher Made Tests 4. Testing for Intelligence 5. Performance Tasks 6. Using a Matrix or Rubric 7. Building Aligned Assessments 8. State and National Assessments Glossary Vocabulary Post-Test Bibliography Index
The state-of-the-art guide to research-based student assessment How do teachers know that students know? Donna Tileston's innovative guide to building brain-compatible assessments can help every teacher identify and enhance student understanding. Topics covered: Building and aligning standards-based assessment Test anxiety and the brain Teacher-made tests State and national assessments Tests for multiple intelligences Performance tasks Teacher observations and student self-assessment Building and using rubrics Building aligned assessments Assessing the assessments Vocabulary pre-test, post-test, and summary Bibliography and index
Donna Walker Tileston is a veteran teacher and administrator. She is currently the president of Strategic Teaching and Learning, a consulting firm that provides services to schools throughout the United States and worldwide. Donna's publications include Ten Best Teaching Practices: How Brain Research, Learning Styles, and Standards Define Teaching Competencies (2000), which has been on Corwin's bestseller list since its first year in print, in addition to the ten-volume award-winning series What Every Teacher Should Know, now in its second edition. Other recent titles are Teaching Strategies for Active Learning (2006), Teaching Strategies that Prepare Students for High Stakes Tests (2008), and Closing the Poverty and Culture Gap (2009). Donna received her BA from the University of North Texas, her MA from East Texas State University, and her EdD from Texas A & M University-Commerce. She may be reached at www.whateveryteachershouldknow.com